Episode # 109 - Calgary Real Estate - You need Condo Docs to Sell your Condo
Visit http://www.kelleyskar.com | Calgary Real Estate Video Blog by Calgary REALTOR Kelley Skar| Today I was talking about what you require when selling your condo, it does not matter what kind of condo it is, bareland or conventional. When you go to sell your condo you do not have a choice as to whether you are going to spend the upwards of $500 on condo docs if you have not been getting them on a regular basis. They are required when listing your property so that they potential buyer can inspect them, they are also required as part of the purchase agreement. If you have any questions about condos and you want to talk to a Certified Condo Specialist feel free to give me a call 403-827-7527 or email me kelley@kelleyskar.com.